
Destiny Calls


from welcome@ajiraairways.com

subject Get lost in the world with Ajira Airways: Ajiraairways.com

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Welcome to the new Ajira Airways. We proudly present a new way to get lost in the world of travel. Visit AjiraAirways.com to book your business, pleasure or fate now! Check back soon for the opportunity to preview new adventures exclusive to our Ajira Airways travelers. The skies have no limit with our new and exciting destinations. Life's a journey, book it.

- Ajira Airways

而1月21日也是Lost 第五季开播之日。作为史上最lost的美剧,前面铺陈了太多太多匪夷所思的谜题,终于从第四季开始要逐渐解开(因为敲定只拍到第六季大结局),势必越到后面越好看。但愿编剧能维持高水准,使这个故事自圆其说。


Aijira 的 logo 闪现了若干次。因为第五季的内容应该是关于获救的幸存者想回到小岛上去,估计他们回岛的方法会和这家航空公司有关,Aijira在印度语中就是小岛的意思。


Flight type: One Way

From: Los Angeles, CA

To: Guam

Departing: 1/21/2009

Select Flight: 316 11:30am

Adults: 10

Children: 0

Promotional Code: 112114111109111

就会成功进入选座位页面,虽然如此,无论怎么选,座位都是Not Available,不过在这过程中会有一些图像一闪而过。但是如果一直坚持,选到第36个座位,就会成功出现打印登机牌的选项。


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--安伯托•艾柯(Umberto Eco)